About Tawni
Here’s the deal – it’s very simple. I love life and I love learning. I love sharing what I know with others and I show up for my life. Nothing brings me more joy than to empower my own life and teach others how to empower theirs. I love growth, experience, progression, and I’m grateful for the tools, knowledge, and techniques I’ve learned which bless my life daily.
Many years ago, I didn’t love life. In fact, I prayed to die (thankfully, God didn’t answer my prayer). I honestly thought everyone, including my husband, my son and myself, would be better if I weren’t here. There is chemical depression on both sides of my family. My blessed mother had 16 electric shock therapy treatments. My dear father’s side of the family has been studied by the University of Utah for depression. I was severely depressed in my late twenties. The OBGYN wanted to put me on Valium and the therapist wanted to give me Prozac and Lithium. I looked at the OBGYN and said, “There has to be a better way” and I looked to God and said, “Please show me how!!!” He did and I reverently thank Him daily. I’ve completely eradicated depression from my life and was fortunate enough to do it drug free. It was not easy or an overnight process, but I knew in my soul that I came to this earth to thrive not just survive.
This is only a small portion of my story. I wouldn’t trade what I’ve learned for anything and I never want to live like that again. Life is a great gift of education and experience – I choose to let it bless me in all aspects. I humbly honor the process.
If you’re reading this, you desire something better for yourself. I congratulate you and I believe in you. There is hope – always. Just know that your teachers, tools, and God are all waiting to bless you. But, first, you must show up for your life!!