Along with Kinergetics – RESET 1, RESET 2, and Balancing Toxins and Nutrition – are also courses created by Philip Rafferty. The material in each course is simple to learn and it provides profound energetic corrections for the body. There are no pre-requisites and the courses are perfect for those who want a basic introduction to energy work and kinesiology. The seasoned kinesiologist will also benefit. I use the material in these courses regularly in my practice with great results.

Course Descriptions

RESET 1 is a three-hour mini-course which teaches you how to harness your natural healing energy to bring about a deep relaxation in the jaw muscles. By sending healing energy into the muscles and tendons that relate to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), we can relax these muscles as well as the organs and glands they relate to, thereby rebalancing the whole body and improving hydration, which is essential for good health. RESET balances the body’s hydration, structure, muscles, neurology, glands and organs.
You will learn corrections for:
- Fight/Flight / Adrenal Stress
- Knee Pain
- Brain Integration
Length: 3 Hours

RESET 2 is a three-hour mini-course which supports RESET 1. RESET 2 has corrections for many different imbalances between 10 and 15-minutes. It also has four different 15 minute weekly balances to maintain the improvements.
You will learn corrections for:
- Kidneys / Low Back Pain / Mercury Elimination Support
- Sinuses / Bladder / Ankles
- Whiplash
- MS – Leg Strength
- Shoulders
- Learning Problems
- Tinnitus
- Migraines / Headaches
- Unable to open jaw
- Pain, Chronic Fatigue, Knees
Attendees learn advanced techniques that provide treatments for specific issues in a shorter amount of time.
Length: 3 Hours
RESET 1 Instructor Training

- Must take RESET 1 a minimum of two times
- Must take Kinergetics 1
- Must take Touch for Health 1 or must be proficient in the four muscles: quadriceps, psoas, gluteus medius, sartorius
- Must have 10 hours of documented RESET practice
Instructor Training
- Must be able to show accuracy with the hand positions in the sitting, standing and lying position
- Must show proficiency with the four muscles
- Must show proficiency with the demos
- Must show proficiency with the jaw muscles and their functions
- Must show proficiency in teaching
Length: 1 Day
Balancing Toxins and Nutrition

A basic Kinesiology workshop to test and correct some of the energetic imbalances caused by:
- Mercury Toxicity
- Fluoride Toxicity
- Magnesium Deficiency
- Zinc / Copper Imbalance
- Dehydration
- Dental Braces Trauma
- General Trauma
- Fight / Flight
Test kits are included in this course.
Length: 7 Hours