What is a balance?
A Balance is a term used by most models of kinesiology. In general, what it means is that as kinesiologists, we assess what is off or imbalanced physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and energetically using the tools of observation and muscle testing. Then, in cooperation with our client’s wishes, we correct the imbalances and bring the body/mind/spirit back into balance and harmony. When this is achieved, the client finds the inner resources to improve health, have more energy, integrate the brain/body, and live life more fully.
When I am integrated and balanced, my inner resources of thinking, seeing, feeling, hearing, movement, etc., are available to support me in my goals, desires and tasks. For example, when I read I comprehend the paragraph instead of needing to repeat it several times because I’m not focused. When I’m performing, such as singing, speaking, teaching, etc., my right and left brain are integrated giving me joy, presence, and the ability to connect with an audience. Being in balance allows me to do my best.
What happens in a balance session?
Every kinesiologist has their own style. In my office, we assess the needs and goals of the client and then we go to work. Because of my vast kinesiology background, I have many techniques to draw from to assist correction. Listening to my client’s body through the process of muscle testing and my years of experience, a variety of techniques may be applied to bring a person into balance. Always it is my client’s needs that direct the protocols used.
How often do I need to receive a balance?
I self-balance every day. Why? Because everyday life throws us out of balance – as I’m sure you have noticed. I have some clients who like to come every six weeks for maintenance, some who come several times a month and some maybe just twice a year. It really depends on what the issues are at the time.
My real goal and intent is to teach you how to listen to your own body and give you tools to empower yourself. I always give you tools and techniques to take home and apply.
When you live in a balanced body versus one stressed and trying hard – you learn to love being in balance. My dream is for everyone to become a master of their own body. Our body, the vehicle for our spirit, wants to work at its optimum.
What does it take to become a kinesiologist?
Each kinesiology specialty has its own protocols. For example, to become a Certified Lifeline Practitioner – one of the many kinesiology specialties – I had to attend the required courses, take a seven-hour written exam, and do a practical exam with a client. I must also re-certify every two years.