Group Mentoring Program
Must be 18 or older
Are you ready to quite observing your life and jump in to living it? Are you ready for changes that you’ve wanted for a long time, but just haven’t known how or had the motivation? Then join me for theGroup Mentoring Program and learn skills and tools to assist you the rest of your life. I bring my 30 years of experience and skills to the course and my passion for growth and development. Come on – come join!!
This $2500 package includes:
- 10 2-hour mentoring sessions over 6 months
- The experience and wisdom of 10 people working collectively
- Tawni’s first CD
- A notebook that you get to keep with all the tools, principles and techniques
- A chance to be accountable and focused on your growth and development
- An on-line recording of the session to listen to for 7 days after class
- A group balance at the end of every session
- How to use muscle testing to assist you in your health and goals – become proficient at testing
- $75 off the tuition of any of the following courses: Touch for Health, Brain Gym, and Kinergetics (must be used within one year of the beginning of the mentoring program)