MNRI® Method
Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration
MNRI® Dynamic and Postural Reflex Pattern Integration
Reflexes are part of the architectural blueprint that teaches the body how to grow and develop. Reflexes reside in the brain stem and support the body to develop the mechanics for mature, conscious movement such as riding a bike, dancing, sports, etc. Each reflex has a sensory stimulus and a motor response that must be accurately developed to allow the movement to mature into higher functions of the brain. If these movements aren’t adequately developed, compensations occur which can lead to stresses in learning, physiological stresses in movement, emotional stresses because of survival neurologically. For example, hands grasping has many phases and stages of maturation that allow for the sensory motor cortex to adequately lay down the information necessary for handwriting, eye-hand coordination, conceptual understanding of ideas, etc. Any delay or block in these pathways interferes with ease in learning, create avoidance techniques, and often show up as behavioral and personality stresses keeping the body in fight/flight.
Length: 4 Days
In this course you will learn:
- Over 20 reflexes
- How to assess and correct them
- How to recognize their role in our survival, learning, posture and development
- 20 of your own reflexes will be assessed and corrected
- Why they are important for our protection
- How they affect motor development from birth to old age
Come and experience your own body in a new way. Feel these reflexes in your own body and the benefits of having them integrated.
MNRI® Tactile Integration
In children with challenges the sense of touch is often poorly regulated. A hypersensitive child may demonstrate tactile defensiveness by withdrawing from touch, refusing certain kinds of clothing, avoiding certain textures, and disliking fine motor activities. When the tactile sense is deficient, a child may seek excessive stimulation and seem insensitive to pain.
I can say this is one of the most amazing procedures for correcting all kinds of issues. This procedure can assist in healing hypersensitivity to touch, but it can also calm the nervous system, improve digestion, integrate the skin receptors to communicate more effectively and bless the largest organ of the body – our skin – plus much more.
Length: 2 Days
Some of the things you will learn:
- About your skin receptors
- How the skin grows and develops
- How our skin is an integral part of our nervous system
- A 50-minute procedure that balances the sensory receptors, gives a feeling of grounding, deeply relaxes the body, and is safe
- How to awaken proprioceptive awareness
- How to improve range of motion with the joints
- How to improve many reflexes through this procedure
Come and experience your own body in a new way. Feel these reflexes in your own body and the benefits of having them integrated.